When I was pregnant with Charlotte, I decided that I wanted to cloth diaper my new little baby as soon as she was home from the hospital. I had gone into a small boutique that carried all things “organic” for babies and I fell in love. After the visit to this store, I started to do research on what was important to invest in for my new baby girl. After a lot of research, joining groups and asking a lot of questions… I decided on my beloved Grovia hybrids.

Now, to the question I get every time I tell someone I cloth diaper. “ Is it hard? “… the answer is “no!” Honestly I found Cloth diapering with the grovia hybrids to be way easier than I had anticipated.

This is what I suggest if you are thinking about cloth diapering:

  1. Take a cloth diaper 101 class
  2. Join cloth diaper groups on social media
  3. Decide the ones you like
  4. Research and ask the company how to laundry them. ( most have it posted. But you can ask specific questions)
  5. Make it part of your goal and routine and it will become a part of your life.
  6. Always pat yourself on the back for doing it: not only are you choosing to not place harmful chemicals into your child’s skin, you are not placing hundreds and hundreds of diapers into the waste fields and for that, you are doing something to make the world better!

Also: if the cloth diapers seem like a huge investment for you and you just don’t think you can afford it. Grovia has a program you can apply for and they give you diapers to use during the diaper years of your child. It’s an amazing program. I command Grovia for such an awesome step towards helping family diaper their children! The program is called : Grovia gives ( https://www.grovia.com/grovia-gives.html )


  • Grovia is a great resource and has a big following and a lot of videos online 🙂
  • Cloth diaper revival is in the local triangle area and are at most mom events!!! They are beautifully sweet people and know a lot about cloth diapering! http://www.clothdiaperrevival.com/

Cloth diapering is one of my most proud mom moments! I look forward to sharing more details on my cloth diaper journey with all of you!

With lots of motivation,

⁃ Momster Love